ladders to Wellness method
TRAIN HARD We believe our earthly bodies are God-created temples, and we set fitness goals and train hard to treat it that way.
STAY PRAYERFUL We choose with our free will to be prayerful and ask the Holy Spirit to dwell in us always, even in times of stress where self-defense is a last resort and the only option.
LIVE HEALTHY We take life one breath at a time. We appreciate our blessings and try to treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated. We eat nutritionally dense foods and continually try to balance Church, work, and family. We believe this is a healthy lifestyle and that it transfigures our hearts, minds, and souls so that we have a stronger ability to love God and others as we prepare for eternal life.
Over the years, we have shared what God has given us. We have tried to lead by example and show that hard training, prayerfulness, and healthy living combined have amazing mind, body, and spiritual results.
Some of the results we have seen are students and clients achieving goals and dreams. Some have dropped 100lbs of unhealthy fat. Others have achieved martial fitness goals like a jumping spin hook kick board break or staying prayerful in a threatening self-defense scenario.
If you follow our CMF training methods, you will be more flexible, take excess weight off, and develop a healthy fitness routine that combines fitness training with daily scripture reading. You’ll go to Church services more, and will be mindful of God’s love and His will for your life.
Eternal goals are the best goals, and we want to help you reach yours!
We educate others on how to train hard in martial fitness, stay prayerful as Christians, and live a balanced and healthy life. This education is based on consistent efforts structured through our LADDERS TO WELLNESS METHOD.
Each rung on any of the ladders to wellness in our method is represented by a color belt. In many martial arts philosophies, a person starts at White Belt and builds on foundational techniques and school codes to reach the goal of Black Belt from a mind, body, and spirit perspective. Grandmasters in martial art belt ranking systems encourage their students that the small, daily efforts make a big difference.
If you want to learn about the Orthodox Christian Church and grow closer to God, there is a faith ladder for you.
If you just want to build better nutritional habits, there is a nutrition and recipe ladder for you.
If you're just interested in a great martial fitness workout, there is a martial fitness ladder for you. The fitness is based on Hokwondo, Hapkido, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, and Kyusho Kempo training.
If you're seeking martial arts ranking in Hokwondo, Hapkido, Taekwondo, and/or Kyusho Kempo, we ask you to have a basic knowledge at each rung of all the ladders listed above and request to be tested on the specific CMF material required to earn each belt rank promotion.