How to Calm Anxiety
4 Ways to Help Decrease Anxiety
To be honest the more I've shared about my own anxiety in the past the more people have shared back with their own challenges. I have learned that anxiety takes shape in many different forms and I've yet to share with anyone that has the exact same symptoms.I
won't get into what anxiety is, chances are if you are hear reading this you probably already know enough about it to want to get control over it or help someone that does. This post is about ways that I have found to be effective in decreasing the occurrences and helping me to feel better when anxiety starts to creep up.
Try to be a more relaxed person-always
If you're always high strung and wound pretty tight, then when anxiousness occurs you're more susceptible to that negative energy. Working on being more relaxed may take time, patience and consistency but know that every minute you spend working toward this is one step closer to feel less anxious when the time presents itself. Here are some very effective ways to do this.
2. Deep diaphagmatic breathing
This is also known as belly breathing or abdominal breathing. Did you know we start out breathing like this as babies? It comes naturally to us when we are born to breath this way. As we get older we begin to breath from the chest. There are many outside factors that cause this to happen as our lives get busier. However I believe very strongly that are bodies have amazing healing capabilities and this breathing technique is critical.
Olu Eletu
3. Detach from the headlines
I'm not saying to stop reading headlines and news. What I am saying is if you have a trip coming up and flying triggers anxiety in you, then maybe skip that article and look away quickly. It will still be there when you get back. Or as another example if you have big outdoor weekend plans coming up, there's no need to keep tapping on your weather app every hour of the day. Let it be and give your mind time off from thinking about it- trust me it won't hurt!
4. Dwelling on your triggers
What I mean by this is try not to constantly be thinking about the actual symptoms coming over you especially before they even begin! I have been guilty of this myself and it's a tough one for me. I look at it this way, if you can get somewhat comfortable with the symptoms in a controlled manner then when they occur it won't be so bad. Call it controlled symptoms if you will.
A great way to integrate all of these into your lifestyle is through a form of exercise, prayer, meditation and essential oils!
Tai chi, yoga, stretching workouts, qigong, breathing exercises, oh there are so many wonderful forms of exercise that can help. You can also pray for the Lord to take away your anxiousness.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
Which ever method you try I encourage you to also combine it with an essential oil that supports your well being and brings you peace and serenity. My favorites for this are Young Living's Oola Grow and Stress Away. I apply one of them to my vita flex points every couple hours and it helps me tremendously!