Forget Hour Long Works, Do This Instead!
Workout smarter - NOT longer
Scott Webb
If you are serious about getting toned, loosing fat or maintaining then be smart about it. Whether you have an hour a day to workout or 30 minutes a day I'm sure you want to make the very most of your time and be as efficient as you possibly can, am I right? Whatever time you have even if it's 7 mins you CAN be productive and get results you just have to be smart about it. Here are some tips on how to achieve this. Workouts are not the place to be a creature of habit. It's essential to jazz things up and get out of your comfort zone.
Do Interval training a couple of times a week! HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training) are tough but man are they effective for so many goals. I never ever do a HIIT workout longer than 20 mins! Getting your heart rate up into the right fat burning zone for your body and then bringing it down for a shorter amount of time then right back up! It's a great workout!
Get your strength training in - all of it! Be smart about what muscles you work when and be sure to cover them all in one way or another. Resistance training is critical in achieving your fitness goals. Super set exercises or doing strength training exercises immediately following a 15 minute cardio session changes the whole experience. It allows your heart rate to stay elevated even after the cardio part has ended.
Do whole body exercises. Why just work one muscle group at a time when you can work multiple? Yes this means ditching the machines but as long as you have good form and breathing, pick up the dumbbells and add a shoulder press to your lunge or a hip raise to your pull overs! Add a push up to your vinyasa! Working more than one muscle group at a time allows for a higher caloric burn and shorter workout.
Autumn Goodman
These are just a few ways to get smart about your workouts but definitely a great place to start. Today is the day, change-up your methods of training and see results!!