Dieting. Isn't. Healthy.

It's been ingrained in us that weight loss is hard, that eating healthy is even harder and that counting calories and carbohydrates is crucial. So what do most people do? Well they start a new exercise regimen, start eating more salads, they eat less food than their body needs, they get physically and emotionally tired, and of course frustrated when they don't see results based on these actions and then what happens? They give up. I don't blame them all that is pretty exhausting to even type!


Diets do not work. I said it. I'm also going to tell you what I don't practice and encourage my clients not to practice if they want to succeed in their goals.

Unless you have a sensitivity, allergy or serious condition that has strict requirements, I recommend you don't:

  • count calories

  • skip meals

  • ignore hunger

  • avoid all fats

  • avoid all sugars

  • count carbohydrates

  • avoid all salt

  • get on a scale

  • take out all of your indulgences

I teach and follow a very important foundational approach to nutrition and health and wellness. It's pretty simple. It allows you to be the gate-keeper of your own body. God Created you in His image and He has given you the tools you need to lose body fat and eat healthy. It may not be as easy as going to the closest grocery store anymore but a little more effort won't be so hard and you know it.


Take care of your body, eat whole foods. Take out 90% if not all of the processed foods you can! Just those two steps will change your world! Get rid of the toxins in your home. Whatever products you use know where the ingredients come from. Stay hydrated, enjoy food, try different foods and recipes, when you are full stop eating, when you are hungry eat - but sometimes we need an alarm for this as people tend to get caught up in the day-to-day demands of life. Measure your body fat if needed, stay active and add variety to your workouts. Be proud of the body you were given, don't hide behind a mask. You are beautiful. Don't let anyone call you fat or skinny. Put the effort in and be the healthiest you can be while being  honest with yourself.

No one said you have to do this alone. Experienced and skilled professionals such as ourselves at Christian Martial Fitness  can be there to walk you through retraining your mind to approach nutrition habits, exercise habits and overall wellness in a good clean natural way.

There are NO quick fixes. Everything you do in life takes time and effort especially the most important things. You are important, your health is important. When you make changes this year to get into a better place don't diet. Change your lifestyle, change your habits, make positive and effective changes ask for help if and when you need it. Be well my friends!
